My Silent Parnter

In the future ownership of  F & S Painting Company, my silent partner is and will always be God. Without Him, I will not have a company.  Without Him, I haven't a talent and passion for trim.  Without Him, I have nothing!  Everything I do in moving forward in my desire to own my own company, I first submit in prayer. There isn't a decision I will make, without consulting Him, first.  In order for me to be successful, my will must align with His will.

With this being my motto, of always including God in my decisions, it was great to see that Jan Newnan spoke in a video about always making time for God in our lives; we should never put our careers before God and family. I have seen a good friend of mine do must that.  He was soon divorced and went inactive, as he put making money his first priority. I am not moving forward in my business to make money.  I'm creating joy in my life, and if it happens to put money in the bank, then that is an added benefit. 

I also enjoyed reading the article, "Success is Gauged by Self-Mastery" by N. Eldon Tanner. I learned that we must have courage, strength, and determination to discipline yourself, apply self-control, and self-mastery. Detours are dangerous and success requires much self-control and self-discipline.

Speaking of self-discipline, I had to reschedule a three day painting job this week.  As much as I wanted to follow through on the job, I had to take care of myself and my heart.  There will always be painting jobs, but I have only one heart.  I'll meet with my electrical cardiologist next week to discuss a third ablation for my Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.


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