The One You Feed
After my disastrous interview last weekend, I feel as though all of our readings and videos were tailor-made, just for me.
In speaking about our emotional fingerprint, Jim Ritchie shares that when people can validate emotions internally, they gain the ability to beat all odds, and overcome challenges. Why? Because they're not at the mercy of external influences or stimuli, which allows them to unlock the secrets of personal success, and this knowledge creates opportunity, and opens the doors to greatness!
What you feed grows; What you starve dies
I do not want my dreams to die, all because of bad experience from last week. As I have pondered and prayed this incident, I have decided to continue to pursue my dream. I have internally processed what went down, and I refuse to be controlled by outside influences or stimuli. I know what I want and I am going to go after it. I will continue to feed my faith in myself, and not in the fear that overcame me last week.
This experience has opened my eyes to which precautions I must take, as a woman, entering a "man's job" in the painting world. I hadn't really given much thought to this aspect of my future business until last weekend. In the video, Action Hero: Kathy Huber, she says that her gender is "an issue at every single corner", and that she has to deal with it every single day. If this experience is to truly be in my favor, then with my gain comes the knowledge and awareness that it does exist, and to plan accordingly; to never put myself in situations that could cause myself harm.
Again, I feel that week 10 was just for me, as my eyes have been opened for my benefit. The knowledge and insight I have gained this past week is priceless.
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