Unexpected Oppourtunity

I just returned home from Georgia, spending my monthly week with my parents.  I always go to just hang out with them, as Dad has Alzheimer's disease, and I want to spend as much time with him and Mom as I can.  During this time, Mom unexpectedly asked me to paint all the trim in her home.  I had the opportunity to present her with a bid and she accepted!  She knew I would do it for her for free, but she wanted to pay me.  Of course, I didn't drain the bank, but it was a fair offer and we both agreed to the terms.  It was a really neat experience to have, and made me ponder on what I am worth moving forward in my dream.

While I was painting, Dad and I listened to the talks and videos for this week's school work.  It was a really neat experience to have with my Dad.  I really enjoyed Larry Brilliant's video, " A New Breed of Entrepreneur" when he said the time is grave, but it present's rich opportunities.  It's so true!  We always seem to rise to the occasion to solve the world's problems, as well as the problems within our own environment.  What will we come up with next?

In the article by Charles handy, "Whats A Business For", he says the following;
Markets rely on rules and laws, but those rules and laws in turn depend on truth and trust. Conceal truth or erode trust, and the game becomes so unreliable that no one will want to play. 
I feel this is so true!  We must be honest in all of our dealings in business, as well as in our personal lives. If we don't, trust will be broken and lost, along with credibility and integrity. For me, trust in the most important aspect in business.  No amount of money is worth losing my integrity.


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