A Hero's Journey

I feel as though I'm on my own Hero's Journey. I'm doing something that I absolutely love; painting trim.  I have been in Kentucky for the past two weeks painting for my dear friends.  Cheryl prepped the walls beforehand and did the rolling.  All she wanted me to do is paint the trim, and that's where my talent shines.

As I dove into my zone of painting trim, my mind was on the video, "A Hero's Journey" and the three questions that we must ask of ourselves:
1.  Do I live a meaningful life?
2.  Am I a good person?
3.  Who did I love? Who loves me?

I pondered these questions in great depth.  I hope that I am living a meaningful life.  There are many areas that need improving, especially in dealing with time management.  If I can tame my time, I can do more.  I feel as though I'm a good person; a good wife. mom, sister, and friend.  I do my best in all that I do. I love fiercely and I protect those that I love.  These three questions go deep into the realm of our existence. They are the root of any person, even an entrepreneur. 

If I can't live a meaningful life, be a good person, and love and be loved, I will fail as a human being.
My whole existence is to fulfill the answers to these three questions.  I live my life in the service of others.  I want to help others and by driving to KY to paint for my dear friends, is just an example of an adventure on my own Hero's Journey.  I'm sharing and giving my God-given talent to help Cheryl make her home beautiful.  I did this for her, not for me.  Yes, I was on my crack, by painting trim; but as I was painting, my thoughts were on her and her family. I was giving my all to her. I want to give my gift to others. to change their world.

As I'm in the early stage of creating my own F & S Painting company, I'm giving my talents to others freely. It helps me gain experience and puts my knowledge to the test.  Time does not exist when I'm on my crack.  If  I do what I love, I'll never have to work another day in my life. I'm own my own Hero's Journey.


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