I Will Get Paid To Paint

As I drove to Kentucky this week to visit and paint for my dear friends, I had a lot of time to think and ponder about this weeks lessons.  There were two key principles I really enjoyed from this week's lessons.  We watched a video "Do What You Love", by Tom Kelley.  He presents to us three questions, which overlap and overstep each other: "What are you good at? What are you born to do? What will you be paid to do?" He then said we should surround ourselves with good people we want to work with.

I used to think I was born to be a K-12 PE teacher, and I would always tell others, "I get paid to play!" Now, I'm having to ponder these questions again. If I'm to be honest, painting is something that I am actually good at.  I have the skills to paint trim in a manner that is flawless. Hours can pass by, yet I've not noticed.  So, in this stage of life; I am good at painting, I was born to trim, I will get paid to paint, and I will surround myself with the best to help propel me forward. There isn't another job that I could answer these questions so honestly about.  Looks like I'll be able to tell all my friends, "I get paid to paint!"

(At the end of this video, Kelley shares a advice from Jim Collins, who suggests we record our observations during the day; when we feel our happiest and at our best. As a daily journaler, I have discovered that it's truly in the little things, in which I feel the happiest, and am at my best. It;s all about finding the small joys in life that make me complete.)

I had to complete an exercise in which I was able to deconstruct my fears I have in my future business.  The objective is to embrace, enter, and dissect your fears. This exercise was very powerful. I had never thought about the process of eliminating fear in this manner before.  With fears, I usually want to run from them or i am paralyzed because of them. There is something powerful in bringing my fears into the light. Hopefully, these fears will never come to pass, but if they do, I will have already set in motion the way to own and overcome them!


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