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Attitude Of Gratitude

This week's learning was very soothing for me.  It allowed for me to reflect and be grateful of the many blessings that Father has given to me, and the doors that have opened for me to pursue my dreams. In President Monson's 1992 General Conference address, "An Attitude of Gratitude", he mentioned a popular refrain from the 1940's: Accentuate the positive; Eliminate the negative. Latch on to the affirmative; Don't mess with Mr. In-Between. This is exactly how I try to live my life.  I have no time for negativity.  It's extremely draining, and does nothing for me.  In ,y future business, there's definitely not time for negativity.  I would drive business away if all I did was complain.  This attitude would drive business away. I've learned the realness of business, and that there is a real need for my talent and skills in the painting area, especially trim work. In learning from the Harvard Business School article, it's absolutely cr...

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